Creates an account upgrade receipt.
(Example of Print receipt link)
(Example of Account upgrade receipt page)
(Example of Receipt)
(Example of Options page)
(Example of User group permissions)
User group permissions
Select the 'Account upgrade receipt' and set the Registered user group to Yes.
Custom user fields
Create a Custom user field:
Field ID: company
Title: Company
Description: {leave blank}
Display location: Personal details
Display order: 1
Field type: Multi-line text box
Options page
Enter 'Logo' and 'Purchased from' details into the Options page.
Creates an account upgrade receipt.
(Example of Print receipt link)
(Example of Account upgrade receipt page)
(Example of Receipt)
(Example of Options page)
(Example of User group permissions)
- All phrases start with accountupgradereceipt_ for your convenience.
- Download and unzip it.
- Copy the src/addons/Andy/AccountUpgradeReceipt directory to your server.
- From the Admin Control Panel Install the add-on.
User group permissions
Select the 'Account upgrade receipt' and set the Registered user group to Yes.
Custom user fields
Create a Custom user field:
Field ID: company
Title: Company
Description: {leave blank}
Display location: Personal details
Display order: 1
Field type: Multi-line text box
Options page
Enter 'Logo' and 'Purchased from' details into the Options page.