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xF2 Add-on
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A fully integrated Calendar system based on thread information.

This add-on will create a fully integrated Calendar system based on thread information. Each calendar entry links back to the thread it was created from.

(Example of Calendar tab - pic 1)


(Example of optional Upcoming calendar events in sidebar block - pic 3)

(Example of Calendar menu link in more options - pic 4)


  • Adds Calendar tab to navigation bar (pic 1).
  • Easy to use calendar format (pic 2).
  • Option for calendar widget block (pic 3).
  • Calendar menu link in more options (pic 4).
  • Calendar menu options (pic 5).
  • Thread view shows which calendar dates have been added (pic 6).
  • Thread list shows which threads have calendar entries (pic 7).
  • Calendar add allows adding event dates (pic 8).
  • Calendar add recurring allows adding recurring event dates (pic 9).
  • Calendar remove will remove calendar entries for that thread (pic 10).
  • Full customization of holiday options.
  • Thread view permissions honored.
  • All phrases start with calendar_ for your convenience.
  1. Download Andy-Calendar-3.1.zip and unzip it.
  2. Copy the src/addons/Andy/Calendar directory to your server.
  3. From the Admin Control Panel Install the add-on.
User Group Permissions:

Calendar View

This determines which user group will see the Calendar.

Calendar Add and Remove Own

This allows adding and removing calendar events for the thread starter. Typically set to Allow for the Registered user group.

Calendar Add and Remove All

This allows adding and removing calendar events for any thread. Typically set to Allow for Administrative and Moderating user groups.

Widget setup:

To add a Calendar events widget in the sidebar do the following:

  1. Admin Control Panel -> Appearance -> Widgets
  2. Add widget
  3. Select Calendar events and Add widget
  4. Enter the following:
Widget key = calendar_events
Title = Calendar events
Display in positions = Forum list: Sidebar

  1. In the Options page of Calendar:
Show events = checked
Show events maximum = 5 or whatever maximum you would like

Steps to add a new calendar entry:
  1. Create a new thread or navigate to existing thread.
  2. Click Thread Tools.
  3. Click Calendar add.
  4. Select calendar event date and optional end date.
  5. Submit calendar event.
Database modifications:
  • Creates a new table called xf_andy_calendar
  • Adds a column to xf_thread called andy_calendar
  • Like
Reactions: Nxel

Latest updates

  1. AndyB Calendar 5.9

    Calendar v5.9 changes: Compatible XF 2.x versions: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
  2. AndyB Calendar 5.6

    Calendar v5.6 changes: Now honors "View threads by others" permission.