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xF2 Add-on
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A chat box for your members.

(Example of Chat box)

(Example of Chat box link in Visitor menu)

(Example of Chat box link page)

(Example of Options page)

(Example of User group permissions)

  • BB codes, smilies and user tags.
  • All phrases start with chatbox_ for your convenience.
User group permissions:

The following two User group permissions are set when you install the add-on:

Administrative = Admin Yes
Registered = View Yes

Questions and answers:

Q: Can Unregistered / Unconfirmed user group use the Chat box?
A: No.

Q: Who can view the Chat box link in the Visitor menu?
A: By default only the Administrative user group.

Latest updates

  1. AndyB Chat Box 1.6

    Chat box v1.6 changes: Remove no longer used code in PHP file.
  2. AndyB Chat Box 1.4

    Chat box v1.4 changes: Compatible XF 2.x versions: 2.3
  3. AndyB Chat box 1.3

    Chat box v1.3 changes: Admin can now edit any chat message.