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Countdown until New Year's Eve!

New Year's Eve Countdown showing the number of days, hours, minutes & seconds until the beginning of the new year. Happy New Year
New Year's Eve Countdown showing the number of days, hours, minutes & seconds until the beginning of the new year. Happy New Year
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xF2 Add-on
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Sends an email to members when a new post is created.

This add-on is designed for small forums with few members and posts.

(Example of email)


  • Sends emails every 10 minutes.
  • All phrases start with newpostemail_ for your convenience.
Questions and answers:

Q: Will emails be sent to all members?
A: Only valid members will receive emails assuming they have not unsubscribed.
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Latest updates

  1. AndyB New post email 1.3

    New post email v1.3 changes: Now respects can view permissions.