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xF2 Add-on
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Show a list of soft deleted posts and threads and provides option to view or delete them.

When a user deletes a post or thread, that's called a soft delete. Soft deletes allow the administrator to review deleted content to determine if it needs to be restored or physically deleted.

This add-on was created to quickly display soft deleted posts and threads and to allow the Admin to quickly physically delete them.

(Example of Show deleted link in visitor navigation tab)

  • One click option to physically delete all soft deleted post or threads.
  • Option to Limit number of posts or threads to delete at one time.
  1. Download Andy-ShowDeleted-1.5.zip and unzip it.
  2. Copy the src/addons/Andy/ShowDeleted directory to your server.
  3. From the Admin Control Panel Install the add-on.
Group Permissions:

Be sure to set the Administrator group to Allow.

Latest updates

  1. AndyB Show deleted 3.2

    Show deleted v3.2 changes: Fixed a few variable names in the PHP code.
  2. AndyB Show deleted 3.1

    Show deleted v3.1 changes: Added Content ID column in Show deleted page results.
  3. AndyB Show deleted 3.0

    Show deleted v3.0 changes: Options page now has limits for each content type.