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Countdown until New Year's Eve!

New Year's Eve Countdown showing the number of days, hours, minutes & seconds until the beginning of the new year. Happy New Year
New Year's Eve Countdown showing the number of days, hours, minutes & seconds until the beginning of the new year. Happy New Year
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Download BeMusic - Music Streaming Engine PHP Script v3.0.4 v3.0.4

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BeMusic - Music Streaming Engine
An engine for creating a website with music (download, listen online, etc.). Thanks to the powerful Appearence Editor, you can easily change the style of your site. Support for playlists, albums that users can share with others. In the admin center, you can translate your site into any language. Inside the archive you will find usage documentation.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/bemusic-music-s...engine/13616699

PHP> = 5.6
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO Extension
php_fileinfo Extension
MySQL, Postgres, SQLite or SQL Database Server.

Latest updates

  1. BeMusic - Music Streaming Engine PHP Script v3.0.4

    2023 April 03 - v3.0.4 new: track, album, artist and playlist links in search dropdown will now...
  2. BeMusic - Music Streaming Engine PHP Script v3.0.3

    2023 March 23 - v3.0.3 fix: add missing translations to localizations page fix: comments still...
  3. BeMusic - Music Streaming Engine PHP Script v3.0.1

    2023 March 19 - v3.0.1 fix: space not being usable in search page on mobile fix: wrong track...