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    xF2 Add-on in Credit [DBTech] DragonByte Donate 3.6.1 3.6.1

    xF2 Add-on
    Fix: Donation widgets were not respecting the "Can view" permission
    Update highlights

    This version changes the currency exchange rate API, as the old one can no longer be signed up for. The link in the option has changed to the new sign-up page. The API still has a free tier that's perfectly suitable for this add-on, so there will be no cost to obtaining a new API key.

    You will need to change your API key in order to continue normal operation after upgrading.

    Complete Change Log

    Change: Support the new APILayer exchange rate API / drop support for CurrencyLayer API
    Fix: Fix incorrect error message from the APILayer API
    [DBTech] DragonByte Donate 3.5.1 Fixed
    Installation Fixed
    pdate highlights

    This version adds Rebuild support to the DragonByte Credits integration.

    Complete Change Log

    Feature: The DragonByte Credits integration now supports rebuilding the transaction
    Update highlights
    This version adds a new widget for showing the current user's total donations.

    Complete Change Log
    Feature: "Your Donations" widget to show the current user's most recent donations / total donation amounts
    Feature: Disable top donators' amounts in widget
    Fix: Fix incorrect phrase in Top Donators widget option validation
    superwuppie2Latest member