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    xF2 Add-on in Credit [DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets 2.3.2 2.3.2

    xF2 Add-on
    Fix: Converting a forum to an eCommerce support forum would produce server errors when opening old threads
    Fix: Fix more issues related to product-less forums
    Fix: Fix server error when trying to execute actions when creating a ticket with no product
    Feature: New ticket action: Apply prefix
    Fix: Fix server errors when not associating a ticket forum with an eCommerce product
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    Reactions: equerty
    Update highlights

    This version resolves a potential server error when viewing certain pages (mostly administrative editing pages).

    Complete Change Log

    Fix: Fix potential server errors when viewing certain pages
    Update highlights

    This version adds a major new feature; quantity support for physical products. When adding the same product variant to cart, it'll also merge into the existing order item, making bulk orders easier than ever.

    Another important change in this version is an update to support the new API for fetching the list of countries. You now require a (free) API key in order to fetch this data, added via the new setting.

    Lastly, a few bugs have been fixed.

    Complete Change Log

    Feature: Physical products now have quantity support
    Change: Rollup the product list / infinite scroll files to reduce amount of HTTP requests
    Fix: Updated the Country API to account for changes in 3rd party services (now requires an API key)
    Fix: Fix a potential server error
    Update highlights

    This version adds a missing phrase related to the new Thread Type added with the XF 2.2 version of this add-on.

    Complete Change Log

    Add missing phrases for thread types
    Update highlights

    This version adds a missing phrase related to the new Thread Type added with the XF 2.2 version of this add-on.

    Complete Change Log

    Fix: Added missing "Support ticket" plural phrase
    ClowLatest member