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    xF2 Add-on in Credit [DigitalPoint] Security 1.1.1 1.1.1

    xF2 Add-on
    < Previous | Next >
    • Support for WebAuthn / FIDO2 security keys as two-step authentication (hardware devices such as YubiKeys are what large tech companies such as Google require their employees to use to keep their accounts secure).
      • Support for multiple keys per user
    • Option for Days to trust two-step verification. Now you can set it to whatever is appropriate for your site, vs it being hardcoded to 30 days in XenForo.
    • Users can see/manage the trusted devices for their account (under Account -> Password and security -> Two-step verification).
    • Users can see the IP addresses used for their account (under Account -> Password and security).
    • Users can see/manage remembered sessions for their account (under Account -> Password and security).
    • Country-level geo-targeting of IPs for account IPs, sessions and trusted devices is done automatically if the site is using Cloudflare with the the IP Geolocation setting turned on for your zone.

    Latest updates

    1. [DigitalPoint] Security 1.1.1

      If user has no Passkeys setup yet, the button to manage them is labeled 'Enable' rather than...
    2. [DigitalPoint] Security 1.1.0

      This is purely a semantic update that renames security key to Passkey for user-facing verbiage...
    3. [DigitalPoint] Security

      This is purely a cosmetic change that reworks how XenForo presents two-step verification options...

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