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    Download Gravity Forms | The Best WordPress Form Plugin | Form Builder v2.8.4.3 Nulled v2.8.4.3

    - Fixed an issue where the date picker is not responsive, resulting in horizontal browser overflow.
    - Reverted the form editor toolbar smaller screens change made in which introduced UI issues.
    - Fixed an issue that causes JavaScript errors in the theme if certain script optimization plugins are used.
    - Fixed an issue where honeypot validation was failing on multipage forms if the last page was hidden by conditional logic.
    - Fixed an issue where printing an entry with the nested form field is causing a fatal error.
    - Fixed errors that occur when attempting to install translations and the WordPress filesystem requires credentials.
    - Fixed the "no route found" error when performing an OPTIONS request to the REST API v2 endpoints
    - Fixed an issue where license validation fails when using a non-standard license key.
    - Added a theme framework utility class of `.gform-theme__disable-reset` to disable theme framework reset styles.
    - Added a theme framework utility class of `.gform-theme__disable-framework` to disable theme framework styles.
    - Added a theme framework utility class of `.gform-theme__disable` to disable theme framework and reset styles.
    - Updated the setup wizard to use a placeholder instead of default value of "blog" in the website type dropdown.
    - Fixed an issue which prevents new forms from being saved if the title or description contain double quotes.
    - Fixed an issue where in a multisite installation the setup wizard is displayed for all sites even after it is completed in the main site.
    - Fixed an issue with the file upload field that allows for empty submissions of required multi-file upload fields.
    - Fixed an issue that can cause a database warning when a site has forms added before 1.8.
    v2.6.8 | 2022-11-09
    - Fixed an accessibility issue with the consent field description.
    - Fixed an accessibility issue that prevents the show/hide password button from read by screen readers.
    - Fixed an issue where editing an entry with a multifile upload field could result in broken links to files. Credit: GravityWiz
    - Removed an unused javascript function.
    v2.6.6.1 | 2022-09-08
    - Fixed an issue where the wrong change log can display on update.
    - Updated the predefined choices list for gender and the name prefix choices to prevent translation problems.
    - Fixed an issue that can result in the rg_lead to gf_entry upgrade stalling with a database error when updating from very old versions.
    v2.6.4 | 2022-06-06
    - Added the [gform_cleanup_target_dir](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_cleanup_target_dir/) filter to support async uploads on servers with opendir() disabled.
    - Fixed an issue where the REST request to get additional pages fails on translated sites when configuring the form confirmation.
    - Fixed an accessibility issue by adding an alert role to the notice on the uninstall page.
    - Fixed an accessibility issue where the search field in the form detail has no connected label.
    - Fixed several PHP 8.1 deprecation notices. Note: There are still a number of notices from WordPress 6.0.
    - Updated the minimum WordPress version on the System Status page to 5.9.
    - Updated the database upgrade and System Status page to check for and fix auto increment issues which can cause "duplicate entry 0" errors.
    - AF: Updated `GFPaymentAddOn::maybe_validate()` to include `$context` as the second parameter.
    - API: Added gform/merge_tag/initialize event to allow merge tag drop downs to be manually initialized after page load.
    - API: Updated the REST API v2 [forms/[FORM_ID]/submissions](https://docs.gravityforms.com/submitting-forms-with-rest-api-v2/) endpoint to support the `?_validate_only=1` query argument.
    - API: Added [GFAPI::validate_form()](https://docs.gravityforms.com/validating-forms-with-the-gfapi/) to validate form field values without triggering other submission events such as saving the entry, sending notifications, add-on feeds, or confirmations.
    - API: Added the [forms/[FORM_ID]/submissions/validation](https://docs.gravityforms.com/validating-forms-with-rest-api-v2/) endpoint to REST API v2.
    - API: Updated the `gform_field_validation` and `gform_validation` filters to include a new `$context` parameter indicating how the current request was triggered: form-submit, api-submit, or api-validate.
    - Added security enhancements.
    - Fixed a few dozen PHP 8.1 deprecation notices. Note: WordPress won’t be compatible with PHP 8.1 until version 6.0 at the earliest, so there are still many notices from WP functions.
    - Fixed a bug that prevents users without form editing capabilities from exporting entries.
    - Fixed a bug that prevents editing the First Name and City sublabels.
    - Fixed a fatal error that occurs on plugin activation with WordPress 4.9 and earlier.
    - Fixed a bug that causes form editor settings panels to close when any button in the sidebar is clicked.
    - Fixed an issue where the export form link in the dialog that appears after form save error opens the export page in the same tab so changes were lost.
    - Added an enhancement to the AJAX save process in the form editor that increases performance significantly, especially for forms that contain a large number of fields.
    - Fixed an issue where field values that contain non-latin characters are not displayed correctly after AJAX save in the form editor.
    v2.6.1 | 2022-03-24
    - Added security enhancements.
    - Added a fallback save method if AJAX save fails.
    - Added the {today} merge tag to output the current date and/or time. Credit: The Gravity PDF team.
    - Fixed an issue where saving the form fails if the form contains any backslashes.
    - Fixed an issue where the save form button in the form editor is stuck in the saving state if form validation fails.
    - Fixed an issue where dropdowns in the Embed Form flyout are not correctly displaying their content.
    - Fixed several display issues in the form editor.
    - Fixed an issue where our IE11 admin stylesheet is being being loaded everywhere in the admin.
    - Fixed some issues where text on the 2.6 splash page can't be translated.
    - Fixed an issue which causes admin pages to visually break when No Conflict mode is enabled.
    - Fixed the duplicated output of the core admin stylesheet for the add-on results screen.
    - Fixed the core admin stylesheet path for the help screen.
    - Updated the label styles for disabled radio and checkbox inputs to better indicate the option is disabled.
    - AF: Added ability to specify and use custom font icon with the addition of GFAddOn::get_icon_namespace().
    - AF: Added additional support for Font Awesome icon styles for GFCommon::get_icon_markup().
    - AF: Fixed an issue where payment fails when using Japanese Yen with the Stripe Card field and Stripe Add-On v4.2.
    - API: Added ability to specify custom font icon namespace for GFCommon::get_icon_markup().
    - API: Updated the $form_ids arg of GFAPI:get_feeds() to support an array of IDs. Credit: The GravityView team.
    - API: Fixed an issue where RGCurrency::to_number() returns a float instead of an integer for zero-decimal currencies.
    - API: Fixed an issue that causes Live Dependency fields with custom display properties to render incorrectly. Credit: The ForGravity team.
    v2.6 | 2022-03-14
    - Added the embed flyout to easily embed forms into a post or page directly from the form editor.
    - Added the submit button to the form editor instead of the form settings page, with new settings to display it inline.
    - Added the choices flyout to provide more space for editing field choices in the form editor.
    - Added enhancements to the form editor so that it saves without reloading the page.
    - Added enhancements to the submission process to further reduce the risk of duplicate entries.
    - Added a notice in the form editor for forms that have legacy markup enabled.
    - Added a splash page to tell users about new features.
    - Added enhancements to the design of the form editor.
    - Added a loading indicator to settings pages to improve usability.
    - Added accessibility enhancements to the product field.
    - Added accessibility enhancements to the time field to ensure that the AM/PM selector has a label.
    - Added accessibility enhancements to the list field so that the aria labels for new rows match column headers.
    - Added performance enhancements to speed the loading of entries with encrypted fields.
    - Added performance enhancements to long forms with conditional logic.
    - Updated how notes are displayed on the entry detail page so that HTML is no longer completely removed.
    - Updated the styling of the order summary table in the entry detail page.
    - Updated the minimum WordPress version on the System Status page to 5.8.
    - Fixed an issue where conditional logic is not duplicated when a confirmation is duplicated.
    - Fixed an issue where vertical alignment can be incorrect in complex fields if some inputs don't have sub-labels.
    - Fixed an issue that prevented the date picker icon from displaying on settings pages.
    - Fixed an issue that causes the address field inputs to be misaligned when hiding sub-fields.
    - Fixed an issue where checkboxes without labels are checked by default.
    - Fixed a fatal error with PHP 8 when editing an entry that includes an empty date drop-down field.
    - Fixed an issue with the license validation request that can result in too many sites being counted towards a license's site limit in certain situations.
    - Fixed an issue where setting the time field sub-label placement to hidden does not hide the sub-labels.
    - Fixed an issue with the address field where the zip code autocomplete attribute does not appear if the sub-labels are above the inputs.
    - Fixed an issue where the next, previous, and submit buttons are not showing the pointer cursor when hovering over them.
    - Fixed an issue where the show country field setting for the address field is not being respected in the form editor.
    - Fixed an issue where license validation is being performed too many times when license key is left blank.
    - Fixed an issue where the all_fields merge tag renders the radio choice value instead of choice label when the value is 0.
    - AF: Fixed an issue where the trial discount or a custom trial amount does not appear in the order summary.
    - API: Fixed an issue with the "select" settings field where empty option groups are being rendered as selectable options.
    - API: Added admin component for popup notifications throughout the UI.
    - API: Added the ability to remove the merge tags ui from rich text fields in the Settings API.
    - API: Added the ability to use Gravity Forms JavaScript components anywhere in the admin.
    - API: Added the [gform_settings_display_license_details](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_settings_display_license_details/) filter to hide the license details on the settings page.
    - API: Added the [gform_plugin_settings_fields](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_plugin_settings_fields/) filter.
    - API: Added the [gform_field_filter_from_post](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_field_filter_from_post/) filter to allow filter settings for the form fields, entry properties, and entry meta used in conditional logic for entry export, entry list, results pages, and some add-on to be overridden when the filters are being processed. Complements the *[gform_field_filters](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_field_filters/)* filter.
    - API: Fixed an issue where the form editor tooltip is rendering CSS classes incorrectly.
    - API: Fixed an issue which causes some file uploads to fail when chunking is enabled.
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