Version 7.3.7 Jan 22, 2021
Permalink settings for Ads details page re-added (for the new languages switcher version).
Countries data SQL improved to prevent primary keys duplication issue.
Apply persistent filters for categories and cities on search results page.
Options to count ads related to categories or city moved from "Homepage" settings to "Listing & Search" settings.
Bugfix: Ads Clear command: Take to account payments with transaction_id = null.
Minor improvements.
Composer update.
LaraClassified Nulled is the most powerful Classified Ads Web Application in the market. An Open Source and modulable classified app having a fully responsive design. It is packed with lots of features.
- Custom Fields (Create your own Classified Ads, Auto Deals Classified, Real Estate Classified, Directory Listings or Jobs Portal websites)
- Clean and Modern Design
- Fully Responsive (also in Admin panel)
- Built with PHP/MySQL & HTML5/CSS3
- Frameworks: Laravel, Bootstrap, jQuery, VueJS
- Geo location supported (with Maxmind free or pro database)
- Multi Currencies
- Support for RTL direction
- Multiple Languages Available
- Unlimited Colors
- Homepage Customization (Change and Order the Home Sections from the Admin panel)
- Users, Roles and Permissions System (ACL) integrated in the Admin panel
- PayPal Integrated
- Google Adsense integrated