- Latest Bootstrap 5 with plain, vanilla JavaScript with 5000+ components
- Material Design 2.0
Features & benefits of MDB PRO:
This version contains only the ESSENTIAL for MDB to work well and with all its features, it does not contain all the files like the original version, for example each plugin separately. (Yes they are all but in a single file).TUTORIAL:
How to view the documentation required to be a PRO user?(I put this screenshot as an example):
Easy, first of all all the documentation is in this link:
Once you find the documentation that requires PRO, copy the link and go to:
Once in Textise, click on the "Textise" button.
And that's it, scroll down a bit and you will find the MDBootstrap protected content:
Just copy the code you need and your website will work as if you were a PRO member.