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    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Footer Widget Positions for Nulumia Themes 2.0.0 2.0.0

    xF2 Add-on
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    This simple addon will add widget positions for the footer columns (A-D) found in Nulumia pro themes. Now in addition to your custom column HTML, you can add any of your favorite Xenforo widgets!


    Nulumia themes already come bundled with styling for most Xenforo widgets, so they should match seamlessly within your theme's Advanced Footer columns.


    * This addon only works for the Advanced Footer feature found in Nulumia themes, and will not have any effect in themes by other providers.

    Latest updates

    1. [OzzModz] Footer Widget Positions for Nulumia Themes 2.0.0

      Initial release under OzzModz. Changed name, developer info and links to reflect OzzModz.

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