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Requires Perfex version 2.7.3 or above After module installation still it requires some manual steps (due to limitations of Perfex)

Telegram Module Found under Utilities in left menu after installation.

Brief description

Video demo at
Telegram is a freeware, cross-platform, cloud-based instant messaging software and application service. The service also provides end-to-end encrypted video calling, VoIP, file sharing and several other features.

Fresh Installation Instruction

Admin Controllers Files

Note: files below to be added in application/controllers/admin
  1. Install module from Perfex Module option.
  2. After installing download the files from Version 2.8.4 Here
  3. Add Staff.php to application/controllers/admin folder
  4. Add Utilities.php to application/controllers/admin folder
  5. Add Task.php to application/controllers/admin folder
Client Controller Files
Note: file below to be added in application/controllers
  1. Add Clients.php to application/controllers folder
Models Files
  1. Add Cron_model.php to application/models/ folder
  2. Add Telegram_model.php to application/models/ folder
Helpers Files
  1. Add telegram_helper.php to application/helpers/ folder
Configuration Files
  1. Add autoload.php to application/config/ folder
Installation Instruction
  1. Create a bot by sending /newbot command to @BotFather
  2. Copy the BotToken and add it to Token filed in telegram module.

Latest updates

  1. Perfex CRM and TelegramBot Chat Module V1.0.1

    Last Update 17 May 2021 Compatible with latest Perfex