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    Whmcs VIP Sentinel Anti-malware v1.22-1 for plesk nulled v1.22-1

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    Sentinel Anti-malware v1.08-1 for plesk nulled v1.08-1

    With Sentinel Anti-malware, you get the open source standard for anti-malware scanning from Linux Malware Detect and ClamAV combined with a user friendly web interface designed specifically for the Plesk control panel.

    Sentinel uses multifaceted threat data from network edge IPS, community data, ClamAV, and user submission systems to extract malware that is actively being used in attacks.

    The threat landscape in todays hosted environments is unique from that of the standard AV products detection suite in that they are detecting primarily OS level trojans, rootkits and traditional file-infecting viruses but missing the ever increasing variety of malware on the user account level which serves as an attack platform.

    Latest updates

    1. Sentinel Anti-malware v1.22-1 for plesk nulled

      Changes 1.22-1 (21 May 2023) [+] Added ARM architecture support for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. [+] Added...
    2. Sentinel Anti-malware v1.20-2 for plesk nulled

      1.20-2 (14 Jan 2023) [-] Licensing fixes.
    3. Sentinel Anti-malware v1.17-1 for plesk nulled

      Changes 1.17-1 (18 Mar 2022) [+] Added support for Rocky Linux and Debian 11. [+] Added...

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