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This is a shoutbox widget that you can add in any of the available widget positions.


  1. Minimum age required – Enable shoutbox based on user’s age.
  2. Shoutbox refresh interval – Allows you to set refresh interval for new messages. This option can be disabled.
  3. Shoutbox refresh timeout – Stop refresh interval for inactive users after x minutes
  4. Maximum shout length – Set the maximum allows shout length.
  5. Minimum time between shouts – Flood check (with user group permission to bypass it)
  6. Shout display limit – Set the maximum number of shouts to display on page load.
  7. Delete shouts older than – Allows you to auto-delete shouts older than x days.
  8. Auto prune shoutbox every x hours.
  9. Auto prune message.
  10. Enable navigation tab – Allows you to chat in a dedicated page
  11. Enable sound – Enable sound notification for new shouts.

Latest updates

  1. Shoutbox by Siropu 2.0.2

    Added new admin option: Allow multi-line shouts When press Enter When press Shift + Enter No
  2. Shoutbox by Siropu 1.10.1

    Added the option to select which ChatGPT model to use for /ai command prompts. Note: The...
  3. Shoutbox by Siropu 1.10.0

    Added the ability to report shouts and view them in the archive for easy moderation (requires...