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Mod Info:
- Removed all ads
- Made video, pictures and GIFs downloading without watermark to Movies/TikTok folder instead of DCIM/Camera
- Removed all restrictions on downloads, you can download any video
- Removed many other restrictions
- The application was cleaned as much as possible
- Maximum compression + ZipAlign
- Disabled unnecessary activities
- Removed restrictions on duets, stitching
- Rewind is now available in any video
- Battery drain optimization
- Removed regional restrictions
- Fixed Google authorization
- Fixed Facebook authorization
- Fixed Twitter authorization
- Fixed VK authorization
- Disabled autostart
- Enabled High Quality Audio
- Enabled High Quality Video
- Enabled Ultra Resolution
- Enabled Anti Aliasing
- Hidden root rights
- Disabled InAppBillingService
- Disabled all types of Analytics
- Disabled Measurement
- Disabled mandatory login
- Enabled watch history
- Added author tag for the name of the downloaded file
- Added ability to download profile pictures
- Monet app icon for Android 13+

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