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Countdown until New Year's Eve!

New Year's Eve Countdown showing the number of days, hours, minutes & seconds until the beginning of the new year. Happy New Year
New Year's Eve Countdown showing the number of days, hours, minutes & seconds until the beginning of the new year. Happy New Year
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Download Tivimate 2.1.5 SKY Q with panel 2021-04-10

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1, edit \smali\ar\tvplayer\tv\settings\ui\playlists\XtreamCodesLoginFragment.smali on line 648 & change to link to your tivimate panel url.

2, to change app name go to \res\values\strings.xml

3, change name on login screen go to \res\values\strings.xml

4, to add your logo replace \res\drawables\SplashLogo2.png with your own logo
