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xF2 Add-on in Credit ULTIMATE XENFORO 2 THEME - PIE ⭐️ 2.1 2.1

xF2 Add-on
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- This resource does not include XenForo license / key, this resource is solely a theme modification, you are expected to already have XenForo website (v2.1.1+).
- Theme is still in Alpha version and will be heavily updated as time goes. Logo / Any art from the pictures is not included.
- You will need XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) resource For news module (Not included in the download, must be purchased separately, unless you already own it). HTML Module (For the XenPorta) of the following is not included, It will be send to the Buyer only after confirmation. Not having this resource (XenPorta 2) doesn't change anything theme wise, it only adds the news module. You can purchase XenPorta 2 here: XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO


- Modified Navigation Bar.
- Navigation scroll effect.
- Click To Copy IP bar (Header & Footer).
- Online Player Counter display (Header & Footer).
- Online users on discord display
- Heavily Modified Theme.
- Heavily Modified News Module.
- Custom Footer.
- Modified Edited Forums page.
- Back to top Button.
- Custom Scrollbar.
- Fire Particles Effect.
- Color switcher for the website (This is made by Cookies js, Meaning once user switches the color and leaves the page, the color will remain same upon returning to the website. Also has default color set as orange and can be changed to any of the other 4 colors. Preview down below)

Coming Soon
- Custom 404 Page.
- Custom Portal Page.
- Rank / Feature table.
- Dark / Light color switch.
- Rules module.
- FAQ module.
- Gamemode showcase module.
- Vote module.
- Staff module.
- Support hub module.
- Applications hub module.
- Much more.