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xF2 Add-on
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This Forum Comments System add-on allows users to post comments under a reply in the forum. The add-on is already feature complete and in stable condition without any known bugs. This FCS add-on combines similar functionalities as you can find in vB5, Facebook and xF2 profile comments.

There are already 13 user group permission options available now organized in a dedicated section. Notification, alerts are sent no matter where the comment is written, whether it is in a new or an old reply.

Here I've made first example of using this FCS in a forum. There are two threads. Both with exactly the same posts in the same sequence. One thread is with comments and the second is done the traditional XF way, using quotes, without comments (never mind the content, it's just an example not real opinions).

This thread is with comments:
- all responses nicely stacked under one post. well organized, space saving, easy to read and see what other people think about the post.

This thread is without comments: This thread is done the traditional XF way using quotes, without comments:
- Now, you decide what looks nicer.
There are several ways how you get notified about a posted comment in watched thread.
  • E-mail notification. You will get an email notification for the first unseen comment for each reply. A link in the email will bring you straight to the comment.

So, let's say person A, B, C is watching a thread.
A posts a comment under a reply in the thread.
B and C gets notification about that comment.
A and B stars conversation under that reply and create 20 comments.
C will not get any other email alert, except for the first one. Once C visits that thread, only after that he will be notified again if first unseen comment is made again under that reply.
  • Only one comment email notification per thread. By checking this option in user's preferences, a user will receive only one email notification for the first unread comment in the whole thread.

  • New features regarding comments notifications. Receive a notification when someone…
- Comments on others' posts in a watched thread
- Comments on your posts in a watched thread

  • Alert pop-up window. A link in the alert pop-up window will bring you straight to the comment.

  • Notification in Forums Main category. Normally when a reply is posted, the thread links in the forum are bold informing you that those threads contain unread posts. So the same applies for comments as well. When a comment is posted in a watched thread, the tread link will bump to the top and become bold informing you that you have an unread post. And clicking the bold link or the "time" link, will bring you straight to the comment.

  • Notification in "What's new". The same way as you get informed about replies, you will get also informed about comments in "What's new" section. When a comment is posted in a watched thread, the tread link will bump to the top and become bold informing you that you have an unread post. And clicking the bold link or the "time" link, will bring you straight to the comment.

  • Notification in "New posts". After posting a comment, you will be informed also in "New posts" section.

  • Latest activity. Comments appear in "Latest activity" section as well. A comment link there, will bring you straight to the comment.

  • Comments also included in user's profile under "Postings"

  • Behaviour of a notifications once the a comment is deleted and then undeleted.
When a comment is undeleted the plugin will check for thread's last activity, If the thread's last activity is before this comment was created then the plugin will mark the thread as unread and will set its position to this thread.

Otherwise if the thread's last activity is greater than this comments' date then it will not make any change to thread's state.
  • A "New" post indicator for comments. Regular feature for a reply works also for a comment to help with the notification.

  • Option in the admin area to count also comments to the total message count. By default unchecked. This option will include also the forum comments under replies in the total messages count. And also the user's total message count will be updated.


There are already 13 permission options now organized in a dedicated section.

  • Moderating functions activated also for comments. You can now delete, undelete, approve, unapprove, move and copy comments using the moderation checkbox/moderator's toolbar.
  • Enhanced comments deleting. You can use the same functions for deleting comments as for regular replies. You can remove the comment from public view, permanently delete it and also notify the author.
  • Enhanced comment editing. You have the option to edit the comment the same way as a regular reply with a "History" link too.
  • History and revisions for comments. After editing a comment also the "History" button will appear with the same functionality as for a regular reply.
  • Time limit on editing/deleting own comments. Please note that this permission works with the combination of permission "Edit own post/comment". If someone has the permission of editing any comment/post, then this permission will not take effect
  • Approve/unapprove comments per forum. By default FCS add-on will allow comments in all forums. But with this feature, you can disallow posting comments for any forum you want on your website and for any user group.
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Moving, merging, creating replies and threads from comments. With properly set permissions, you can move, merge or create a new thread out of the reply with comments.
You can move a reply with comments and create a new thread out of the reply. The reply will become first post (OP - original post) and the comments will become regular replies.

Or you can move the reply into another thread with two options:

1. Selecting just the reply will move the reply the way it is - comments will stay as comments, except when you are creating a new thread. In that case comments will always turn into replies even if they are not in the first reply.

2.Selecting also the comments - comments will turn into replies when merged with another thread.
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The pagination works similar way as in XF2 profile comments.
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There is added extra top row, on the left side you can see the total number of comments in the reply. And on the right side is the link to get to the rest of the comments.

By default, last 3 comments are always visible. In the settings you can set how many comments you want to keep visible.

In the first option you set the number of latest comments you want to see under the reply on a page load. Setting it to 0 will load all comments.

With the second option "View previous comments", you can set the number of comments loaded when "View Previous comments..."link is clicked. Setting it to 0 will load all comments.

NOTE: If a reply becomes so popular that gathers more than 40-80 comments, I think that reply might deserve to be moved to own thread. IMHO.
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Once you decide not to use this add-on, there are several options.
  • Use of importers. If you know about any other comment add-on you would like to use instead, just the importers needs to be built and you will be able to import your comments to another comment add-on.
  • Approve/unapprove comments per forum. Or you can just disallow using this add-on to all user groups and just keep the existing comments as is. By default FCS add-on will allow comments in all forums. But with this feature, you can disallow posting comments for any forum you want on your website and for any user group.
  • Add-on uninstall with preserving the comments data. The default behaviour is that on uninstall all the data, including the comments, are removed. But with this feature, you have the option to preserve the comments data by ticking the checkbox "Don't remove comments data" when the uninstall window pops up.
This way a comment will be converted into a reply with a quote of the reply under which the comment was posted.
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  • BB code and rich text editing. Creating forum comments allows you to use the rich text editor, full BB code (and Markdown ), smileys and everything that comes with it. This is the same editor as XF2 is using for profile comments.
    1. Functions of Reply an Quote links preserved
    2. Mentions support with alerts
  • Reactions. Default XF reactions also available for forum comments with the same use and functionality.
    1. Permissions "React to comments" added to Groups & permissions
    2. Reactions will be preserved also after uninstall, if "Don't remove comments data." selected.
    3. With notifications in alert window.
  • Commenting a comment. Now you can comment a comment. It works similar way as in the second level for Facebook comments. A comment will include the user's name you are commenting, plus (what Facebook doesn't have), the back button icon when clicked, will bring you to the commented comment.
You can see it in use here.
  • Text editor added also at the end of the comments. There is a "Comment" link in the post action bar. If you've got a long list of comments then you would have to scroll up to tap the Comment link. We now have a "Write a comment..." input directly below the list of comments. Clicking this, as mentioned above, loads the editor which, again, also supports rich formatting.
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?Does it work in tapatalk, forumapp or any other programs or applications?
I don't know. Please ask the creators of those apps.

?Is it possible to comment on the original post (OP)?
For the OP the reply is basically a comment, so no. Also because in this system, from a reply, you can make a new regular thread, where the reply becomes OP and all comments turns into regular replies.

Please click the link More infoto read other important answered questions.
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If your forum is using this FCS add-on and you want to have your forum promoted here, just send me a PM with your forum link and I will showcase it here:


UltraWeb - the better way! Creating websoftware and add-ons for xenForo 2.x

Checkout my other very useful add-on that works great with this FCS add-on, [UW] Smileys Bar for text editor allows faster, easier access to the smileys:

Latest updates

  1. [UW] Forum Comments System 2.0.7

    Change log Fixed conflict with chat plugin. ⚠️ Importovat to update to this version.❗ Extra...