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  • Whmcs in Credit
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    PHP Version 7.2
    PHP Memory Limit 64MB
    PHP Database Extension PDO
    PHP Extensions Curl with SSL / GD2 Image Library / JSON Support / XML
    MySQL Version 5.2.0
    Ioncube Loaders 10.2.0 or later

    What is new :

    New Client Area Theme​

    Updated, improved, and built on Bootstrap 4​


    Our new theme for 2021 - named "Twenty-One" after the soon to be new year - brings a refreshed look and feel to the client area.

    The new theme delivers a redesigned landing home page, easier access to search, mobile and tablet design improvements, improved client account visibility/switching and visual updates throughout.

    The new theme also makes the transition to Bootstrap 4, the next version of the world's most popular front-end open source toolkit. This makes integrating WHMCS into websites built using Bootstrap 4 a cinch, and brings with it all the advancements and improvements of Bootstrap 4.

    Child Themes​

    The new and easier way to create custom themes​


    With a child theme, your theme only needs to contain the templates you wish to customise and change. For CSS/styling only customisations, your theme doesn't have to contain any template files at all.

    The result is a smaller theme that's easier to maintain, and that automatically receives updates to template files you haven't customised which makes updating faster, easier and more automated.

    Child themes are going to become the default and recommended way to apply customisations, and child themes support multi-level child/parent relationships for even more flexibility.

    OAuth for POP3/IMAP​

    Ensuring compatibility for upcoming changes from email services​


    Many of the big hosted email providers are moving away from traditional password-based authentication. Instead, they're replacing it with an OAuth-based workflow.

    With WHMCS 8.1, we're pleased to announce support for OAuth2's secure authentication for Google Email (Gmail & Gsuite) for Support Department Ticket Importing. This means you'll be ready when Google makes OAuth a requirement for POP authentication.

    Google Analytics 4​

    Ensuring full support and compatability with the new Google Analytics​


    Google announced recently their New Google Analytics Platform, Google Analytics 4.

    With WHMCS 8.1, we've ensured the necessary changes are in place to allow users to be able to use and benefit from the new features and functionality available when you upgrade to a Google Analytics 4 property with updates to the integration code taken care of for you automatically when you enable the Google Analytics integration.

    Automated User Cleanup​

    Delete and manage users easily.​


    Retaining users can be important for business, but there are times when deletion is required. New interface options allow you to delete Users whenever you need to, as well as scheduling automated deletions based on inactivity in an expansion to the Data Retention Automation Functionality.

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