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Download WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor v1.7.7 v1.7.7

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Customize your Checkout Fields via your admin panel
The checkout field editor provides you with an interface to add, edit, and remove fields shown on your WooCommerce checkout page. Fields can be added and removed from the billing and shipping sections, as well as inserted after these sections next to the standard ‘order notes’.

Core fields can also be moved around giving you more control over your checkout without touching the code.

Latest updates

  1. WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor v1.7.7

    2022-10-28 - v1.7.7 * Tweak - WC 7.0.0 compatibility. * Tweak - WP 6.1 compatibility.
  2. WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor v1.7.4

    2022-09-06 - v1.7.4 * Fix - Added backward compatible support for WooCommerce CRUD Operations...
  3. WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor v1.7.3

    2022-05-17 - v1.7.3 * Tweak - WC 6.4 compatibility. * Tweak - WP 6.0 compatibility.