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    Download WPForms Pro - Best Drag & Drop WordPress Form Plugin v1.8.7.2 Nulled v1.8.7.2

    ## [] - 2024-02-29
    ### Changed
    - "What's New" modal should be displayed based on the major version of the plugin.
    - Improved Akismet integration efficiency.
    v1.8.1.3 (2023-05-25)
    Changed: The Uncanny Automator logo is updated.
    Fixed: Debug information (controlled by a constant) is now properly escaped before being displayed on a page.
    Fixed: Turnstile Captcha verification message overlapped the captcha when the captcha type was changed from Invisible to Managed.
    Fixed: Fatal error with AMP plugin.
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    Reactions: mcelmni
    [v1.8.0] - 2023-02-14
    ### Added
    - Prevent spam submissions using the new Cloudflare Turnstile anti-spam integration. You can find it on the Settings > CAPTCHA page.

    ### Changed
    - Custom Captcha and Section Divider fields are now excluded from custom fields mapping in marketing addons.
    - Filter by country and filter by keyword error messages are now displayed above the Submit button.
    - Non-public taxonomies should not be displayed in Dynamic Choices' available sources.
    - The "Resend Notifications" link on the Entry page is disabled instead of being hidden if any addon blocks this functionality.
    - External usage of removed PHP classes is now handled gracefully without generating fatal errors.
    - Redundant Transaction IDs are not displayed for recurring subscription payments in the View Entry > Payment section.
    - The performance of the Email field validation is improved when using an allowlist or denylist.
    - Files uploaded through Modern File Upload and Rich Text fields to the Media Library now have attachment titles in the "Field label: Original file name" format.
    - State and Country subfields of the Address field now allow selecting the default value from the dropdown if it contains choices.
    - State and Country subfields of the Address field now allow unsetting the default value.
    - Updated DOMPurify library to 2.4.3.

    ### Fixed
    - The Dropdown field text indentation was incorrect in the Form Builder in Firefox.
    - Various notification modals' titles had inconsistent sizes in the Form Builder.
    - Users without permission to view Entries should not see links for entry counts in the Dashboard widget.
    - The header column background did not fill the entire column height in the Compact view of the Entry print preview.
    - Validation errors in various modals were inconsistent in the Form Builder.
    - When duplicating an inactive field, the settings of the active field are now removed properly.
    - Malformed HTML in the Entry Preview Notice field could brake the Form Builder markup.
    - It was impossible to remove an expired license key after upgrading to WPForms Pro if it was initially set in WPForms Lite.
    - The expired, disabled and invalid license notices were shown twice after entering the key in the WPForms Lite, then installing and activating WPForms Pro.
    - The Page Break field was inserted in the incorrect position if the form contained a notice about a certain field being not available under the current license.
    - Some cache files were unnecessarily re-downloaded on the front end.
    - The Single Item field with a User Defined type could be submitted with a negative amount.
    - Prevent other plugins from adding custom buttons to the Content Field TinyMCE editor to prevent functionality breakage.
    - Images in the Rich Text field were ignoring alignment settings in the entry notification email.
    - Users with roles other than Administrator could not add the reCAPTCHA/hCaptcha field and dismiss notices even if they had sufficient permissions.
    - Number Slider field validation failed if a maximum value was not a multiple of steps.
    - Buttons inside of notices inside of 4-column layout fields were formatted incorrectly.
    - Max File Uploads could have been set to 0 or an empty value, causing File Upload field validation to fail.
    - The Previous page of the Page Break field could not be opened without filling in the Credit Card Number field.
    - Entries export was not working on non-direct file systems, e.g. SSH2, FTP, etc. (including Pantheon.io using Git).
    - Image Choices in Multiple Choice fields were not displaying the image in the entry preview when the choice label contained HTML.
    - HTML markup in the Default Text of Paragraph Text fields was not being displayed on the front end and in the Form Builder preview.
    - Placeholders and Default values of various subfields of the Address field are now consistent in the Form Builder preview.
    - Admin bar icons were broken after submitting a form with the Rich Text field.
    ## [1.7.9] - 2023-01-03
    ### Added
    - Icon Choices feature for Checkboxes, Multiple Choice, Checkbox Items, and Multiple Items payment fields - a selection of 2000+ icons can now be used with your choices!
    [] - 2022-10-12
    ### Added
    - There is a new filter `wpforms_builder_panel_sidebar_section_classes` to change builder panel sidebar section classes.

    ### Changed
    - Updated DOMPurify library to 2.4.0.

    ### Fixed
    - Placeholder text in the Dropdown field was cut off in the Form Builder.
    - The Form Builder had an inconsistent text strings escaping.
    - The information about "no form templates to display" did not disappear when a category was changed.
    [v1.7.5] - 2022-06-28
    ### Added
    - Form Tags: add tags to forms with an ability to filter by them; bulk add/edit/delete tags for multiple forms.
    - Payment details stored in entries are now searchable.
    - Display the status of the Lite Connect setting and the date-time when it was enabled (Tools > System Info).
    - New `{unique_value}` smart tag.

    ### Changed
    - The sodium library is now included in WordPress core, so we removed it from the plugin.
    - Action Scheduler library was updated to 3.4.2 to fix deprecation notices with PHP 8.1.
    - The jquery.validate library updated to 1.19.4.
    - Conditional logic can now be applied to custom fields.
    - Do not allow not completed Challenge to appear in the regular Form Builder.

    ### Fixed
    - For some fields, their default values were not always previewed in the Form Builder.
    - Regularly clean up additional information we store for each task we run within the plugin.
    - No fatal error anymore in Allow/Deny email lists with very long or international emails.
    - Correctly handle additional CSS classes for each WPForms block on the same page (Block Editor).
    - Properly process survey field values when they were updated to become empty.
    - Modals order was incorrect when the Lite Connect feature was enabled or disabled on mobile.
    - Notification for the last step of the WPForms Challenge was not displayed on the Posts Page with the Gutenberg plugin.
    - Some Form Templates could be empty upon fresh installation.
    - Several minor issues in the Challenge flow are now fixed.
    - Total value for items with a cost lower than 1 dollar was calculated incorrectly.
    - Color Palette was not shown in the Form Builder for duplicated fields.
    - Do not register Gutenberg block styles on the front end when no form is present on a page.
    - Access Controls: Entries list showed all forms with the 'View Others Forms' capability.
    - Form Builder exited automatically when a user with allowed permissions created a form.
    - Limit the number of attempts to get the site key in Lite Connect.
    - Multiple Items (Radio) choice showed "Empty" on a single entry page if a selected choice value is undefined/empty.
    - Search results didn't show old abandoned and partial entries after the latest addon update.
    - Entries Search on the Entries Table page was not fully cleared when a user cleared the search.
    - Several issues were fixed with the ability to move certain fields (Page Break and Entry Preview).
    - Elementor popup was not processing conditional logic on the initial load.
    - Added focus state indication for admin tabs.
    - Duplicated column name appeared in the columns configs on the Entries Table page when a user tried to change settings.
    - Edit Entry: the Date field with a custom format was shown improperly.
    - GDPR sub-settings remained enabled if GDPR is disabled and sub-setting was left enabled.
    - Duplicate/Trash form actions did not work after sorting forms by Name, Author, or Created Date.
    - Improved styling of the warning/loading message for the Modern File Upload field.
    - Notices appeared in the debug.log when the user created a Custom Template and used it in the Form Builder.
    - Entries Overview: search attributes were removed when searching for an empty HTML tag.
    - Empty license was shown improperly in some cases inside the Site Health.
    - Fatal error on PHP 8 after a PayPal payment.
    - hCaptcha pointer had a weird thick dark border since WordPress 6.0.
    - Check GDPR settings before trying to use a cookie.
    [v1.7.4.2] - 2022-05-19
    ### Changed
    - DOMPurify library updated to 2.3.8.

    ### Fixed
    - PHP notices avoided in Lite Connect if decrypted entry data didn't contain required keys.
    - Lite Connect: entries counting and import-complete notice improved.
    - WordPress 6.0 compatibility: WPForms block styling fixed inside the Full Site Editor.
    • Like
    Reactions: mcelmni and s1t2wm (2022-05-05)
    LiteConnect auth key request didn't work with plain permalinks and with subdirectory install.
    Do not display the import entries notice if the license key is not valid.
    Improved Form Locations compatibility with the Full Site Editor template parts.
    [1.7.3] - 2022-03-16
    - Support for PHP 5.5 has been discontinued. If you are running PHP 5.5, you MUST upgrade PHP before installing WPForms 1.7.3. Failure to do that will disable WPForms core functionality.
    - Support for WordPress 5.1 has been discontinued. If you are running WordPress 5.1, you MUST upgrade WordPress before installing WPForms 1.7.3. Failure to do that will disable WPForms core functionality.

    ### Added
    - Forms now can be moved to Trash and restored on the Forms Overview page.
    - Forms now support Revisions with new UI and ability to switch between them.
    - Exported entries (.csv and .xlsx) now have an Entry Status column that indicates completed, abandoned, or partial entry.
    - Export Entries and Form Template Export selection on the Tools > Export page now support search.

    ### Changed
    - Improved support for WordPress Core UI colors and admin themes in the admin notifications panel.
    - Improved submitted email field value validation (take into account real-world usage and RFC information).
    - Improved `wpforms_get_ip()` IP detection quality by taking care of proxies (e.g. when the site is behind Cloudflare).
    - Improved Time selector display with a limited number of choices.
    - Updated Action Scheduler library to 3.4.0.
    - Improved the manual addon installation message if automatic installation fails, added links to the downloads page and a manual installation guide.
    - Hide Sub-Labels option should be hidden for some formats in the Name and Date / Time fields.
    - Improved performance of Action Scheduler tasks.
    - Drop jQuery matchHeight library in favor of a CSS solution.
    - Abandoned and partial entries are now displayed in search results on the Entries page.
    - Unified and improved modals across all plugin pages and the Form Builder.
    - Forms now can be deleted when the user who created them is deleted.

    ### Fixed
    - Confusing alignment of Print Preview options on small screens.
    - Long field titles didn't wrap within the field container.
    - Stuck on loading the Form Builder when switching to a new form template with unsaved changes and dismissing the native browser prompt.
    - Buttons had no spacing when the Embed button is not available for a user without the capability to edit pages and/or posts.
    - Fly-out menu was not auto-hiding on the Entries page with Survey Results enabled.
    - Incorrect position of the notification counter in the admin bar when a notification was dismissed.
    - Misaligned buttons in the Entries navigation block on the single Entry admin page.
    - Make the form Submit button disabled all the time after the submit action when AJAX form submission or confirmation redirect are enabled.
    - Toggle control labels did not have a hand cursor.
    - The `iframe` element in the HTML field was not displaying after meeting a conditional logic in the Twenty Twenty theme.
    - The dropdown list was shown partially when located at the end of the form in the Twenty Twenty theme.
    - Country flag from the Phone field was overlapped in the Enfold theme.
    - Multiple selected options in the Classic Dropdown field didn't have a visual active state.
    - CSV export filesystem issue on WordPress VIP platform.
    - Deprecation notice when processing smart tags.
    - False JavaScript issue error when WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript execution option is on.
    - PHP notice generated when email notifications were sent.
    - "Did You Know" block now always spaned across all columns.
    - Validation error if an email was not required and left empty.
    - Email field validation failed with long and invalid emails.
    - Import from other plugins.
    - Compatibility with PHP 8.1.
    [v1.7.2.2] - 2022-02-03
    ### Fixed
    - Compatibility with current versions of the User Journey and Form Locker addons.
    canone2Latest member