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    Download WPForms Pro - Best Drag & Drop WordPress Form Plugin v1.8.7.2 Nulled v1.8.7.2

    [v1.7.2.1] - 2022-02-03
    ### Fixed
    - Compatibility with PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1.
    - Compatibility with WordPress 5.9, including its new Full Site Editing feature.
    - Broken cache directory path if `WP_CONTENT_DIR` is set in the `wp-config.php` without trailing slash.
    - PHP Notice when using the `wpforms_log()` function in certain conditions.
    - Type mismatch brakes a list of scheduled actions in Action Scheduler if typed arguments are passed.
    v7.2 - 2022-01-04
    ### Added

    - Search by form name and description is available on the Forms Overview page.
    - New "Author" column in the Forms Overview table to display a name of a person who created the form.
    - Display log records on the single Entry page when an entry note has been added or deleted.
    [] - 2021-11-11
    ## Fixed

    - Email address validation against allowlist or denylist always fails.
    - Country flag from Phone field position on top of Dropdown field choices on Edit Entry page.
    - Legacy Stripe field not showing years in credit card expiration subfield.
    [v1.7.1] - 2021-11-09
    ### Added

    - Time values are now validated against Limit Hours settings of the Date / Time field.

    ### Changed
    - Updated bundled Dropzone.js library to 5.9.3.
    - Improved translations by removing confusion if non-translatable placeholders are used.
    - Improved support for WordPress Core UI colors and admin themes in admin bar menu.
    - Improved format and limits validation of modern File Upload field.
    - Improved display of empty and hidden field labels in Form Builder preview.
    - Field helper notification in the Form Builder now can be dismissed.
    - Improved and standardized look of classic and modern Dropdown field across Form Builder, admin area and frontend.
    - Display "Save and Resume" link in Page Break field preview in Form Builder if Save and Resume is turned on.

    ### Fixed
    - Empty fields are displayed on Entry details after editing an Entry with Page Break or Entry Preview fields.
    - Strip slashes from Paragraph Text field when the value is dynamically populated.
    - SMTP settings page linked to Setup Wizard even when SMTP settings are already configured.
    - Occasional fatal error when moving Page Break field while another field is being added on slow Internet connections.
    - Entry Print Preview displays empty admin page if Entry ID is not valid.
    - File upload error when custom validation of any other field fails.
    - Notifications count in the admin bar is misaligned.
    - Field helper notification in the Form Builder overlaps and blocks Duplicate and Delete actions when hovered.
    - Inconsistent new lines in different field types in Entry Preview.
    - Non-latin (Punycode) email addresses are not converted for display in email suggestion hints.
    • Like
    Reactions: s1t2wm
    [1.7.0] - 2021-10-05
    ### Added
    - New field - Rich Text.
    - Uncanny Automator integration.
    - New filters to programmatically hide certain field values from the Entry Preview output.

    ### Changed
    - The "Back to All Entries" link is replaced on the "Back to Entry" on the Edit Entry page.
    - Improved form builder education: install and activate payment addons without leaving the form builder.
    - Updated jQuery Validation library to v1.9.3.

    ### Fixed
    - Incorrect handling of language files downloads when the plugin is activated, or site language is changed.
    - Page Break: disabling the Previous button does not work.
    - Alignment for admin notification counter.
    - Keyboard does not focus on a numeric keyboard on mobile devices with the US-format Phone field.
    - Placeholder styling issue in Modern Multiple Dropdown field that is Conditionally Shown.
    - Ability to delete uploaded files on the Edit Entry page.
    - Javascript error in Elementor page builder.
    - Embedded forms into global sidebar report about an error in the Divi page builder.
    - Change settings were not applied for a Duplicated Modern Dropdown field.
    - Do not allow Entry editing when a form template is changed on the Blank Form.
    - PHP fatal error generated on some installs when spawning cron as an unauthenticated user.
    - Form fields not displaying full width on mobile devices with Base form styling selected.
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    Reactions: s1t2wm
    [v1.6.8.1] - 2021-07-21
    ### Changed
    - Allow using right click to open a form preview in new tab or window.

    ### Fixed
    - Notifications disabled on the previous version were enabled after the 1.6.8 update.
    - Single Item field set to Hidden type now does not have unnecessary padding.
    - Block preview in new WordPress 5.8 Widgets Block Editor now aligned properly.
    - Omit a redundant number of files option from the Classic File Upload field.
    - Some fields had no padding on the Edit Entry screen if the value was empty.
    - Word wrapping issues in various places for non-English languages.
    - Remove excessive whitespaces after in the Notification name after cloning.
    - HTML field in notification emails is now displayed honoring the field's conditional logic.
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    Reactions: s1t2wm
    [v1.6.8] - 2021-07-13
    ### Added
    - Form Builder visual modernization and improved user experience.
    - Form Builder is now more optimized, loading and performing faster.
    - More tooltips in various areas of the Form Builder to provide context for different options.
    - A lot more Templates that you can use for one-click forms creation.
    - Categorize Form Templates into different sections and improve search, allowing faster access and better user experience.
    - New Preview button for all Templates, so you can check how your form will look like before applying the Template.
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    Reactions: s1t2wm
    [v1.6.7.3] - 2021-07-02
    ### Changed
    - Renamed a misspelled `wpforms_display_sumbit_spinner_src` filter to `wpforms_display_submit_spinner_src`, old name is now deprecated.

    ### Fixed
    - Expired transients are not deleted automatically.
    - Entries count race condition under high load in the plugin Lite version.
    - Form Builder product education links.
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    Reactions: s1t2wm and repairit
    Download WPForms Pro v1.6.7.1 - Drag & Drop WordPress Forms Plugin Nulled Free
    [v1.6.7.1] - 2021-06-15

    ### Changed
    - Password strength text in the Form Builder matches the text on a frontend now.
    - Improved logic of pasting a text in the fields with word and character limits.
    - Updated DOMPurify lib to 2.2.9.
    - Some admin notices can be dismissed on a per-user basis.

    ### Fixed
    - Smart Tags don't parse dot and comma symbols well.
    - Occasional PHP Notices on getting addons' download URLs and printing the entry.
    - In rare cases, WPForms functions calls are not handled correctly inside the third-party frontend AJAX calls.
    - Tooltipster JS error on Edit Entry page.
    - Incorrect `wpforms_smart_tag_process` filter deprecation notice.
    - Compatibility with the Elementor 3.1.x, 3.2.x and 3.3.x.
    - Broken XLSX of exported entries in rare cases when server temporary directory is not writable.
    - Cleanup database from obsolete data after preparing an entries export file for download.
    - Properly handle errors reporting when entries exporting failed for some reason.
    • Like
    Reactions: s1t2wm and repairit
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