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    xF2 Add-on in Credit XF2 [8WR] XenRio 2 (Streams) PRO

    xF2 Add-on
    • Fixed an issue where Trovo would silently fail if it encountered a game without any active live streams.
    • Fixed an issue with Trovo embedding where a channel's username and it's nickname were in conflict.
    • You can now restrict Trovo listings by ISO language codes. Do keep in mind that unlike Twitch, this restriction is POST-scrape, rather than during-scrape. This means if you are restricting by games, Trovo will scrape the top 100 streams playing that game, in ANY language; then it will simply throw out any listings not playing approved languages. While Twitch would return 100 streams playing approved languages, Trovo could end up returning significantly less than that.
    • Added support for Glimesh. Client-ID and Secret are required to use this service.
    • Removed support for Smashcast. You should delete this service if you have not done so already.
    • The multi-viewer will no longer list streams on services which do not support embeds.
    • BUG FIX: fixed YouTube scraping related to curly braces and semi-colons.
    • Updated the addon to be compatible with the PCRE changes in the most recent version of PHP. It will still work with the older versions of PHP without issues.
    • Fixed a bug where the default showcase background would not show for streams without games.
    • YouTube changed their code again... so now this addon is fixed to conform to their new code.
    Ibby2707Latest member