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    Download zCart Multi-Vendor eCommerce Marketplace v2.6.5


    Cart - Multi-Vendor eCommerce Marketplace v2.6.5 Nulled​

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    Reactions: syldri
    Version 2.5.1 (04 March 2022)
    + Google Analytic Tracking ID
    * Currency symbol issue when showing symbol on the right
    * Search result count issue on the default theme
    * Buy now express checkout shipping option issue
    * Shop product page filter reset issue on next page
    * Attribute filter issue when selecting multiple
    * Config show_item_conditions issue
    * Promotions edit issue when empty
    * Attribute create validation issue
    * Delivery boy route issue
    * Search issue
    = Shop product page not randomize results
    • Like
    Reactions: j04k1t0
    ‘+’ Added
    ‘*’ Fixed
    ‘-’ Removed
    ‘=‘ Improved
    + Google place API added to autocomplete address on the checkout page
    + Google Recaptcha added on customer registration
    * item listing hover button z-index issue
    * listing width issue on some places
    * Page cover image issue
    * Flash deal loading issue
    * Slug validation issue
    * Banner image upload issue
    * Coupon issue on the checkout page
    * Theme select option issue on admin panel
    * Search suggestions issue when Pharmacy plugin on
    * Shop logo issue on the checkout page
    * Admin authorization issue for currency and business area modules
    * Permission caching issue when login from multiple browsers
    * Maximum discount value will be cart total even if the coupon value is greater than the cart total
    = Now chat message will send on press enter
    = Product page zoom image thumbs
    = Improved address form
    = Improved default theme
    • Like
    Reactions: chillflix
    ‘+’ Added
    ‘*’ Fixed
    ‘-’ Removed
    ‘=‘ Improved

    + Obtaining the real IP address behind the Cloudflare and any proxy
    + Added add to cart and wishlist button on deal of the day section
    + Category icon image upload option in addition to icon font
    + Now vendor can send messages to guest customers from the order page
    + Checkbox to agree to terms and policy on the checkout page
    * Loading time issue for a large number of inventory (tested with 45K+ records)
    * Condition field issue when editing the inventory using the translation
    * Attachment download issue on tickets
    * Remember card issue on guest checkout
    * Decimal point issue on admin/merchant panel
    * Stock availability issue of featured items and Deal Of The Day
    * Language change issue on smaller devices
    * Vendor logo and cover image delete issue
    * Boost site loading time by caching common data
    * Email verification notification issue on merchant register
    * Cache clear option on admin panel
    * Inventory creation with variants when product created by another vendor
    * Cart taxes issue
    * Slider issue in mobile screen
    = UX of Mobile menu improved
    = Out of stock checking when reorder using old order
    = Ajax data-table implemented on inventory for faster loading

    * Wallet:: Transaction view issue when payable info missing
    * dynamicCommission:: The commission calculation issue
    = OneCheckout:: Compatible with Pharmacy package
    = FlashDeal:: Improved loading time
    * Checkout issue when vendor get paid directly
    * Few styling issues on the default theme
    * Shop activation on super admin panel
    * Mobile slider image upload issue
    * Refund initiation issue on admin
    * Newsletter subscription issue
    * Paystack redirection issue
    * Paysatck payment issue
    * Product list view issue
    * Chat multiple submissions
    * Deposit issue on customer wallet
    = Responsiveness improved
    = Improved UX for customers
    = Mobile devices will load mobile slider images

    * oneCheckout:: issue on Paypal
    * Wallet:: Customer deposit issue
    ezoghLatest member