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xF2 Add-on in Credit AndyB Resize attachments all 1.8 1.8

xF2 Add-on
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Resize all attached images in posts which are over maximum width and height allowed.

This add-on will run through all thread posts and resize any attached images which exceed the allowed maximum setting in the options page.

If you're not able to select ImageMagick PECL extension, contact your web host and ask them to install it.

How to use:
  1. Select the maximum width and height you want images to be in the Options page.
  2. Add "resizeattachmentsall" to your forum URL and press enter.
  3. Click the "Prepare rebuild table" link.
  4. Go to Rebuild caches page.
  5. Click the "Rebuild now" button in the Resize attachments all block.
Database changes:

This add-on will create a table called andy_resize_attachments_all in your database.

Questions and Answers:

Q: Who can run this add-on?
A: You must be an admin to run this add-on.

Latest updates

  1. AndyB Resize attachments all 1.8

    Resize attachments all v1.7 changes: Now excludes GIF attachments.
  2. AndyB Resize attachments all 1.6

    Resize attachments all v1.6 changes: The Limit set in the options page will limit the number of...