Welcome to My iptv forum

  • Everyone is invited! My iptv forum is for everyone, new and advanced user alike!
  • Searching is key! Before you post a question, use the forum search feature to determine whether your topic has already been covered.
  • Do not start flame wars! If someone has engaged in behavior that is detrimental to the discussion -- spamming, harassment, etc -- report the post and we'll take a look.
  • xF2 Add-on
    Added error log for open AI API to troubleshoot issues.
    Fixed a problem on shoutbox mode with board logout and login where no room loads.
    Fixed an issue where the Job for the /ai command doesn't complete after the response.
    Also added the parameter "temperature" to control the randomness.
    Added the option to use file based "real-time" actions for edit/delete/reaction instead of XF simple cache due to issues on some big boards.
    Made some cache improvements for active bot response/message count.

    Bugs Fixed
    Misspelling/errors on some phrases.
    Issue with some permissions when editing rooms.
    Issue with posting on some big boards where room cache not working as expected, causing a permission error.
    Added JS pagination for rooms in "Browse rooms" tab and the option to set the maximum number of rooms to display per page.
    Right side navigation chat icon has been added via template modification instead of JS.

    Bugs Fixed
    Sound notification repetition in private conversations if new messages are received in the current conversation and the main conversations tab is unfocused.
    Display issues on mobile devices with toggle chatter list.
    User custom message color setting not working on edits.
    • Fixed an error on sanctions page when using PHP 8.1
    Fixed an error on sanctions page when using PHP 8.1
    Added "who is typing" feature for both rooms and conversations with the admin option to enable it for each individually. The list of users who are typing is loaded directly from JSON files on the server so performance should be good with this approach. Server side, the file is read using file_get_contents and it requires allow_url_fopen on your server. This feature only works when the page is focused to prevent unnecessary loads.

    Made some changes in room embed mode to only display room messages and user list from the room with no other tabs, improving db queries as well.
    Added a new command called "export" that allows you to export messages from the current room to a thread with a post author and per post limit.

    Extended the admin option "Disallowed pages" to include all the global display positions.

    Added two new options for "Enabled BB codes": Paragraph format and Insert horizontal line.

    Added a new style property to set content height on mobile.

    Bugs Fixed
    A banned/kicked user in shoutbox mode, won't be able to join the chat after sanction expiration.

    Issue with "All page mode" template modification on some styles where the chat is added twice and not working.

    The button to disable chat in the chat bar is displayed even if the user doesn't have the permission to change settings.
    • Like
    Reactions: vsaas and selma
    cemeliLatest member