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    xF2 Add-on in Credit [DBTech] DragonByte User Tagging 1.7.6 1.7.6

    xF2 Add-on
    Update highlights

    This version fixes a compatibility issue that arose from the recent upgrade to XenForo Media Gallery v2.2.5. This version is now the minimal version if you're running this add-on alongside XFMG.

    Complete Change Log

    Change: Set XFMG's minimum version to 2.2.5
    Change: Replace utf8_ functions with mb_ functions
    Fix: XFMG integration with XFMG 2.2.5 caused a server error
    Update highlights

    This version fixes a compatibility issue that arose from the recent upgrade to XenForo Media Gallery v2.2.5. This version is now the minimal version if you're running this add-on alongside XFMG.

    Complete Change Log

    Change: Set XFMG's minimum version to 2.2.5
    Change: Replace utf8_ functions with mb_ functions
    Fix: XFMG integration with XFMG 2.2.5 caused a server error
    Update highlights

    This version resolves a potential server error when viewing certain pages (mostly administrative editing pages).

    Complete Change Log

    Fix: Fix potential server errors when viewing certain pages
    Update highlights

    This version fixes a potential server error when notifying a user about a subscribed hash tag.

    Complete Change Log

    Fix: Fix a bug causing server error when notifying users of hash tag usage
    gmjtvLatest member