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New Year's Eve Countdown showing the number of days, hours, minutes & seconds until the beginning of the new year. Happy New Year
New Year's Eve Countdown showing the number of days, hours, minutes & seconds until the beginning of the new year. Happy New Year
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xF2 Add-on in Credit Signup abuse detection and blocking 1.14.0 1.14.0

xF2 Add-on
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From (simple) multiple accounts detection to isp/connection fingerprinting with score-based moderating/rejecting logic. These are very effective low-hanging fruit at reducing spam.

Supports migration configuration from the following XF1 add-ons;
  • TPU Spam Detect
  • Alter ego Detector
This is not a turn-key solution, and each site may require customization!

For multiple account detection, supports reporting to reports/threads. And will send reports to the same report/thread. To send to thread you must select the "Multi-account to thread" extra.

For connection fingerprinting more additional information is collected and recorded on the account.

Note; Configuration defaults are conservative, aimed at blocking VPNs and proxies. There are a large number of configuration options for this add-on!

Link content spam checking

Instead of adding the spam phrases http:///https:// which generate lots of false positives; this allows controlling how links are treated by the content spam checker;
  • Explicitly allow URLs with a given domain
  • Explicitly moderate URLs with a given domain
  • Explicitly reject URLs with a given domain
  • Default allow/moderate/reject for unclassified URLs

Multiple account handling permissions
  • Bypass multiple account checking
  • Can enable / disable alerting for user
  • Can enable / disable alerting for log
  • View reportings.

Latest updates

  1. Signup abuse detection and blocking 1.14.0

    Require Standard Library by Xon v1.18.0+ Fix uninstaller leaving behind some cached data Use php...
  2. Signup abuse detection and blocking 1.13.6

    Require Standard Library by Xon v1.17.0+ Uses standardized route building to avoid conflicts...
  3. Signup abuse detection and blocking 1.13.4

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