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    Download WordPress Automatic Plugin 1904470 By ValvePress v3.75.0 Nulled v3.75.0

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    Download Free Wordpress Automatic Plugin Nulled CodeCanyon 1904470
    Wordpress Automatic Plugin
    posts from various sources to WordPress automatically.

    It can post quality targeted articles, Amazon Products, Clickbank Products, Walmart products, Youtube Videos, Vimeo videos , DailyMotion videos, Feeds posts, eBay auctions, Flickr images, Instagram Images, Pinterest pins,Reddits ,Twitter tweets, Facebook posts, Craigslist classifieds, Itunes apps/songs/ebooks/movies/podcasts, Envato items and SoundCloud songs on auto-pilot.

    Now using the new module named “Single Scraper” introduced in the latest version, You can scrape parts of almost any web page. So you can for example, scrape currency exchange rates, weather forecasts, daily horoscopes and so on. It has a nice visual selector so simply add the URL and pick the part you want.
    Auto post content from Feeds. plugin can check your specified feeds regularly & post every new feed item as a new post.

    Fetch full content from summary feeds. Wordpress automatic can convert truncated feeds to full content posts with a big success ratio .

    Extract specific parts of original feeds posts. Wordpress automatic can extract two specified parts of the original post by CSS id/class, XPath or REGEX and concat them to post to your wordpress.

    Search and replace. The plugin can search extracted content for any text/area and replace with specified text.

    Original time posts. Wordpress automatic can set the post created at wordpress to the same time the post was created at the feed.

    Extract Categories. The plugin can set the created post categories to the same categories for the original posts.

    Latest updates

    1. WordPress Automatic Plugin 1904470 By ValvePress v3.75.0

      v3.75.0 (19 October 2023) NEW: Feeds/multi-page scraper option to import multi-page posts NEW...
    2. WordPress Automatic Plugin 1904470 By ValvePress v3.70.0

      v3.70.0 = (12 May 2023) NEW: can now set _regular_price and _sale_price for WooCommerce products...
    3. Wordpress Automatic Plugin By ValvePress v3.69.0 Nulled

      v3.69.0 (23 March 2023) NEW: option to disable plugin front end scripts and styles embeded by...

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