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Download Yetishare - File Hosting Script v5.5.0 + Addons Nulled v5.5.0

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Upload multiple files at the same time. Pure HTML5 implementation with upload progress, so no reliance on Flash. Chunked uploads. Accessible on mobile, tablet and desktop. YetiShare automatically reformats depending on the users device. Generate revenue by charging for premium account upgrades. Set different download speeds for free & paid users. Feature rich admin area to manage users, files, file servers, site configuration and more. Even view downloads as they happen..

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File Hosting Script - Yetishare

Latest updates

  1. Yetishare - File Hosting Script v5.5.0 + Addons Nulled

    - PHP 8.3 support - Admin area: - Added admin area theme editor for Spirit theme. Control the...
  2. Yetishare - File Hosting Script v5.4.1 + Addons Nulled

    v5.4.1 - Fix to delete_redundant_files.cron.php script - Fix to Flysystem settings not reloading...
  3. Yetishare - File Hosting Script v5.4.0 + Addons

    v5.4.0 - - PHP v8.2 support - LiteSpeed webserver support - X-Litespeed-Location improved...