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Countdown until New Year's Eve!

New Year's Eve Countdown showing the number of days, hours, minutes & seconds until the beginning of the new year. Happy New Year
New Year's Eve Countdown showing the number of days, hours, minutes & seconds until the beginning of the new year. Happy New Year
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DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCS introduces automation into provisioning of web hosting accounts and enables their fully remote management at the same time.
Your customers will be spared the hassle of leaving your website, as every most commonly used DirectAdmin feature will be accessible in the WHMCS client area.

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Latest updates

  1. Direct Admin Extended v3.9.1

    Changelog v3.9.1 Released: Nov 3rd, 2022 NEW FEATURE WHMCS V8.6 support Support for PHP 8.1...
  2. Direct Admin Extended v3.9.0

    v3.9.0 Released: Sep 8th, 2022 NEW FEATURE Clients can now manage DNS records of domain...