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Whmcs VIP WHMCS – Auto Recalculate Prices v6.0.0 nulled v6.0.0

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We recommend using the PHP 7.2 version for better compatibility max_input_vars = 4000 max_execution_time = 3600

Automatic Price Recalculation
This module allows you to recalculate the prices of services, domains and addons, creating exceptions of groups of clients and selecting the status of the service as the case may be.

  • User Group Exception (You can create a specific group or multiple groups and place customers who do not want the prices to be updated when you edit the price of a product)
  • Selection of service status, domains and addons (You can choose if the update applies for one or several states)
  • Information Table (This shows the number of clients and services, domains and addons in your WHMCS)
  • Update button (After saved changes can update all services, domains and addons and this will return the amount of updated services)
  • Recalculation Hook (This takes the parameters of the module and each time a price change is detected in a product or domain, it automatically calculates the recalculation according to the criteria stored in the module.)
  • Cron Jobs (Allows you to select when to execute cron jobs, likewise they are executed according to the selected hooks)
  • Activation Hook (Activate or deactive the Hook functions for each type of product or domain)
  • Multi Languages (Spanish and English Support)

Latest updates

  1. WHMCS – Auto Recalculate Prices v6.0.0 nulled

    English New feature Module Activity Log. Improvement Deletion of unnecessary files Supports...
  2. WHMCS – Auto Recalculate Prices v5.1.1 nulled

    v5.1.0 Released April 1st, 2021 English New feature Exception of auto recalculation for...